Delicious & Easy
Homemade Kimchi
Easy Kimchi Recipe
Kimchi is a traditional, staple Korean side dish made from fermented cabbage, radish and or cucumber.
Most Koreans have it with almost every meal and it's easy to see why, especially once you've tuned it to your personal preference, which is easily done.
One of my favourite parts is the juice at the end! Add it to an omelette and thank me later.
Easy Recipe For Homemade Kimchi
The suggestions below are just that. People that put all sorts in their Kimchi. It can be a real clean-out-the-fridge-job if you want it too be...
If you can, use Chinese cabbage. It soaks up the flavour much better than others. It is readily available from oriental supermarkets (along with gochugaru).
Lots of kimchi recipes require you to salt the cabbage first. I often find food too salty with this step so I don't bother, I just add a little salt when mixing.
I also don't peel any veg. The skins are full of nutrients and give a great contrasting texture to the flesh.
Homemade Kimchi Ingredients
- 1 large Chinese (napa) cabbage, shredded
- 1 Daikon radish, peeled and ribboned
- 1 large carrot, ribboned
- 5 spring onions, shredded
- 6 garlic cloves, crushed
- 50g fresh root ginger, great
- 50g Gochugaru (Korean pepper paste)
- 1 litre jar (ideally wide mouthed to make it easy to pack in the veg)
- Salt to taste
Homemade Kimchi Method
- Mix the garlic, ginger, onions and Gochugaru together
- Add all the ingredients to the jar - I recommend doing this in layers e.g. veg, sauce, veg etc
- With clean hands, mix everything together in jar. The better you do this, the richer the flavour (your hands will stink after)
- Secure a cloth on the top (I do this with an elastic band) and leave at room temperature for two days (sooner if it's hot)
- Give it a try. If you like what you taste, get a secure lid on and transfer it in the fridge. It should keep for months
- The longer you leave it, the more intense the flavour will become. I have left mine for five days at room temp and it still lasts for months in the fridge
Troubleshooting Homemade Kimchi
My kimchi is becoming fizzy
It is likely that it has fermented for too long, but it's still perfectly edible (I actually like it when it get a little fizzy!). Get it in the fridge to slow down the fermentation and eat asap (if it's not already too late!).
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