Low Waste Christmas
Nicky NewtonWith Christmas just around the corner, I’ve put together a few ideas to help you enjoy a low / zero waste celebration!
Buy Experiences
Many gifts every year are not actually used. Giving the gift of an experience is a great alternative and some experiences will never ever be forgotten if they get the adrenaline going!!
Shop Second Hand
Make your pennies stretch further and help save unwanted items from heading to landfill.
Buy Natural
If you are buying clothes, consider items made from natural fibres such as cotton, linen and bamboo. Not only do these allow your body to breathe, but they will also biodegrade if they eventually end up in landfill.
This also applies to trees - we have a living one at home that lives in the garden the rest of the year. It was a similar price to a cut one so has saved us a fortune over the years!
Choose Eco Wrapping Paper & Cards
Steer away from glitter! Reusable fabric wrapping is great – it can be used time and time again and looks amazing under the tree. Plantable Christmas cards are also a great idea – the paper disintegrates when buried and there are a variety of seeds that you can choose from that are embedded in the paper.
Buy Fresh, Unpackaged Foods
When you are buying your food, try to select unwrapped, fresh food. Where this is not possible, seek food that is packaged in a biodegradable / compostable single use packaging.