Customer Survey
Nicky NewtonHello! As this year ends (and what a year it has been), as with every year, I like to reflect on the past and plan for the future.
As you are already part of the Zero Waste Bulk Foods community, I would love to know a little bit more about what you think of us now and what you would like to see from us in the future. Specifically:
- what you think of our service?
- what you think of our products and product range – including any additional products you would like to see in 2021?
- what you may be interested in being a part of in 2021 ie. workshops, demonstrations and events?
- whether you would like a local physical zero waste store to open near you
- and a bit more about you?
Please send your responses to these questions, and any other feedback you have, to info@zerowastebulkfoods.co.uk
All questions are optional, so please skip through any that you don’t want to answer! Thank you so much – your feedback is so important and will help to shape and navigate the business as we move into the new year.
Warmest wishes for a happy and healthy 2021!