Plastic Free July - Day One
Nicky NewtonThis year, I'm sharing my Plastic Free July journey on ZWBF.
What is Plastic Free July?
Plastic Free July is an Australian initiative that has taken the world by storm. It was set up in 2011 to work towards a vision of a world free of plastic waste.
Every year millions of people take part and end up making permanent changes to the amount of plastic they use in their day to day lives.
Plastic Free July Ideas
This week, to get you started on your journey, we are giving away a food grade, stainless-steel straw with every order placed from today until 7th July.
Just type in “plastic free july” in the ‘add a note’ section on the My Cart page to receive your gift.
My whole family love these straws – they can be used for hot or cold drinks, from cocktails, smoothies, milk, carbonated drinks to hot chocolates, frappuccinos and everything in between.
The straws are completely reusable and dishwasher safe and completely plastic free, chemical free and BPA free.
Say no to single use plastic!
Don’t forget to tag us on your social media posts using #plasticfreejuly and @zerowastebulkfoods